Derby Democrats Endorse Coppolo To Challenge Dziekan

Photo by Eugene Driscoll

Brian Coppolo, the Derby Democratic Party’s endorsed candidate for mayor.

DERBY — Saying he is not afraid to challenge conventional thinking, the Derby Town Democratic Committee unanimously endorsed Brian Coppolo for mayor Tuesday.

Coppolo is challenging incumbent Mayor Rich Dziekan, a Republican who was formally endorsed by his party for a second term Monday.

Election Day is Nov. 5.

He’s kind of this audacious character,” said Adam Pacheco, a Derby resident who gave one of two nominating speeches for Coppolo during a Democratic gathering at Derby City Hall. I think that’s such a redeeming quality because he has the ability to challenge convention and see what we can be. He has a vision and an ability to think at a level that challenges all of us to be better.”

Coppolo, 33, is a firefighter in Bridgeport and a long-time volunteer with the Derby Storm Engine Co. Ambulance and Rescue Corps.

He went to grammar school at the St. Mary – St. Michael School in Derby. He graduated from Notre Dame Catholic High School in Fairfield in 2004, then graduated from Roger Williams University in Rhode Island with a degree in communications and a focus on history. Click here for a previous story.

While this is his first run for local office, he has the support of long-time Derby Democrats, such as First Ward Alderwoman Barbara DeGennaro.

DeGennaro has known Coppolo all his life.

I have a lot of confidence in you,” she told him. You have to work hard. We all have to work hard. It’s not a given. Good luck,” she said.

During an acceptance speech that lasted about four minutes, Coppolo said he has been out talking to Derby residents, but his philosophy is to listen more than he speaks.”

I know that many of you want a competent, cooperative, and transparent government,” Coppolo said. This is the Derby I know. The Derby I grew up in — a hard working, honest community that is willing to work together for a more prosperous future.”

Coppolo’s father, Allen, a past chief of the Derby Fire Department, told a crowded room in Derby City Hall that his son understands community service, as evidenced by his volunteerism.

I think it’s a good idea for the City of Derby because I think Brian can have a major impact,” Allen Coppolo said. First of all, when he sets his mind to something, he does it.”

Tuesday’s meeting to nominate candidates was in stark contrast to the last time Democrats got together to endorse a mayoral candidate in 2017. The party was sharply divided on the top of the ticket. The Democrats proceeded to lose the mayor’s office to Dziekan in November after a Democratic primary in the summer.

Aniello Owney” Malerba III, chairman of the Democratic Town Committee, said he’s excited for his party.

I think it’s great to have a unified party. It’s very important — not just for the people in this room. It’s important that we’re unified for the city,” Malerba said.

The rest of the Democratic slate featured a mix of new names along with the familiar.

Walt Mayhew, a former member of the tax board, was nominated for both the tax board and city treasurer. Marc Garofalo, the town clerk and former mayor, said someone can be endorsed for both offices — but he did not know whether a person running could be seated for both offices.

Here is the list:

Brian Coppolo

Walt Mayhew

First Ward Aldermen/Alderwomen
Barbara DeGennaro
Thomas Donofrio
Sarah Widomski

Second Ward Aldermen/Alderwomen
Joseph DiMartino
Camille Grande Kurtyka
Ronald Sill

Third Ward Aldermen/Alderwomen
Daniel J. Blizman
Samantha Burgan
Irma Coleman

Board of Education
Melissa Cannata
Jennifer Desroches
Daniel Foley Jr.
George Kurtyka
Kenneth R. Marcucio, Sr.
Christine Robinson

Tax Board
James R. Butler
Christopher Larocque
Carlo N. Malerba, Jr.
Walter Mayhew
Rose M. Pertoso
Bhamini Patel

Anniello Malerba Jr.

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