Derby Finance Director Resigns, Officials Say

Henry Domurad, Jr., Derby’s finance director since 2008, resigned from the position, according to the Derby Mayor’s Office.

The resignation was abrupt and surprised workers at City Hall, several of whom said Domurad was well-liked and easy to work with.

Domurad’s last day was apparently Thursday, but the Valley Indy could not get Derby officials to confirm that detail.

Two cell phone messages and an e‑mail seeking comment were left with Derby Mayor Anthony Staffieri Friday.

The Valley Indy also tried to contact Domurad on his cell and home phones.

Phil Robertson, Staffieri’s chief administrative officer, said the mayor sent Domurad a letter thanking him for his service to the city.

The Mayor’s Office also provided the Valley Indy with Domurad’s undated letter of resignation Friday morning. It is posted at the end of this article.

In his letter, Domurad cites personal reasons for leaving Derby City Hall.

I have been honored to work for my city as well as the administration and on behalf of the people of Derby,” Domurad wrote. Unfortunately, a number of personal responsibilities have arisen that require my full attention.”

I wish I was able to take care of those responsibilities along with maintaining my self expected level of production on behalf of the citizens of Derby but I don’t think that is possible at this time,” Domurad wrote.

Six city officials interviewed by the Valley Indy Friday — some elected, some City Hall workers — took issue with the details of Domurad’s departure.

None would go on the record.

A personal Facebook page authored by a City Hall worker stated that Domurad did not resign, that he was fired and that he didn’t write a letter of resignation.

The worker, whose Facebook profile was available to anyone with an Internet connection Friday, said Domurad was told it wasn’t working out.”

When asked to comment on the record, the worker would not, fearing it could result in termination.

Robertson declined to comment on the worker’s claims.

Staffieri nominated Domurad as finance director in October 2008. The Board of Aldermen voted in favor of the appointment. He replaced Alan Schlesinger.

Prior to his employment as finance director, Domurad served on the Derby Board of Apportionment and Taxation for 16 years. Fourteen of those years were as the board’s chairman.

He’s a dedicated public servant, a good man and this is a real loss for Derby,” Ron Sill, the president of the Derby Board of Aldermen, said Friday.

Domurad’s resignation comes a few days after tax collector Cinda Buchter submitted a letter of resignation.

Buchter was tax collector for 10 years. In her letter of resignation, she indicates she will stay on to help her replacement transition into the new job.

Stephen Tracy, the Derby school superintendent, announced earlier this month he will be leaving his position at the end of June.

Domurad Letter

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