Derby Fire An Accident, Investigator Says

A fire Saturday in Derby on Caroline Street was caused by a curling iron that had been left on a bed, Fire Marshal Phil Hawks said Tuesday.

The fire has been ruled an accident. Click here for a previous story.

No one was inside the apartment when the fire was reported at about 8:10 p.m. Saturday (March 26) at 275 Caroline St.

The blaze was contained to the room where the curling iron had been left. 

No injuries were reported.

Photo: Eugene Driscoll

The apartment was home to two women and two children, Hawks said. They’ve been staying at a hotel since the fire and are looking for a place to rent.

The apartment is one of many in a multi-unit building at 275 Caroline St.

Firefighters rescued two cats from the fire. A photo of one of the cats is posted above. It was published with permission from Hot Shots by Tim.

The apartment house was the scene of a deadly fire in 1991 that took the life of a mom and her two children.

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