Derby Middle School Dean Appears In Court

The Derby Middle School dean of students accused of bringing narcotics to school was arraigned in front of Judge Burton Kaplan in Superior Court in Derby Wednesday.

William LaRovera entered a not guilty plea and his case was continued until Oct 17.

LaRovera was charged Sept. 15 with narcotics possession, possession of narcotics near a school, possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of drug paraphernalia near a school and failing to store narcotics in the original container. 

Three members of LaRovera’s family appeared in court with him.

Outside the court house, LaRovera’s attorney, Rob Serafinowicz, said he had just received copies of official witness statements from several middle school staffers interviewed by police, including Derby Middle School Principal Sally Bonina.

Serafinowicz said the statements provide more information than the arrest warrant used to charge LaRovera. Copies of the witness statements were not available in Derby court.

There are certain issues in this case with the way the search was conducted that must be explored,” Serafinowicz said.

According to an arrest warrant, Bonina searched LaRovera’s computer bag and found 66 Roxicodone (generic oxycodone) pills in two plastic bags, along with a plastic tube with powder residue inside. Bonina suspected LaRovera had been using tobacco products or drugs on school grounds, according to the warrant.

While the criminal case against LaRovera continues, the Derby school district is also conducting a separate, internal investigation.

Serafinowicz said district officials have attempted to call LaRovera in for an interview several times, but the two sides have yet to nail down a time and date.

In this video, the attorney talks about his interactions with Derby school officials:

The attorney said he would prefer that school officials submit their questions to him in writing.

There are no plans at this time for LaRovera to resign his $80,759 job. He was poised to be named an assistant vice-principal of Derby High School at the time of his arrest.

The situation is not a good one. My client regrets how this happened. My client has never tried to justify his actions in the sense of I was right’ or They shouldn’t have done this to me,’” Serawinowicz said. Our problem has always been with the manner in which this has been conducted.”

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