Derby Offers Community Center For Bottled Water And Supplies, UI Promises To Be Here Today

Derby will open its Community Center at 35 Fifth St. today (Wednesday, Aug. 31) from 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. for city residents who do not have power.

The building will also be open Thursday and Friday, same hours.

Residents from the parts of the city without power will be able to get ready-to-eat meals and bottled water.

In addition, people will be able to take showers.

Residents can also use wall outlets to charge their cell phones, laptops and medical equipment.

Important — residents should bring identification showing their address. Residents should also bring towels and toiletries.

About 5 percent of Derby does not have electricity — roughly 300 UI customers, much less than the rest of the Valley — mostly in the area along Hawthorne Avenue and Silver Hill Road near Osbornedale State Park.

Article continues after press release.

Release Storm

Charles Sampson, Derby’s director of emergency management, said utility crews cleared two spots in Derby overnight.

A downed tree on a bad turn on Hawthorne Avenue has been cleared. Low-hanging wires on Atwater Avenue have also been addressed.

AT&T trucks have been on Hawthorne Avenue near Joyce Avenue putting new poles up and setting anchors, Sampson said. However, the AT&T crews do not repair the electric lines — that is up to United Illuminating.

I’ve been promised by UI that crews will be here today,” Sampson said.

Sampson detailed problems Tuesday with United Illuminating’s response. U.S. Rep, Rosa DeLauro and Shelton Mayor Mark Lauretti have also been criticizing the response.

UI officials have been Tweeting their progress, which they say has been substantial.

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