Derby Resident Supports Mary Welander For State House

With much pleasure, I write this endorsement on behalf of Mary Welander, candidate for State Representative for the 114th District. The 114th encompasses Orange, Woodbridge and a part of Derby.

As the former Democratic Town Chair of Derby, I know a good candidate when I see one. I also know when a district has been abandoned by an incumbent who is more interested in her own political aspirations than in the needs of her constituents. 

Mary Welander is incredible! She understands the importance of hard work and commitment. Despite caring for a family including three children, Mary has personally knocked on over 2,400 doors in our district, having those all important but sometimes difficult conversations with residents about their needs, hopes and dreams for their communities. 

Most importantly, time and time again, I’ve heard people say about their conversations with Mary, She gets it!” 

That’s huge because you can’t fight for what folks need, if you don’t understand exactly what is it you should be fighting for. I personally can’t remember the last time I’ve had a visit from or a conversation with the incumbent. 

One of the other things I especially like about Mary is that she’s an active member of the Orange Board of Education. She understands and values the importance of a good education. In this tough fiscal climate, with so much discussion for the need to tighten belts, Mary will fight for continued, adequate funding for education in contrast to her opponent who voted in favor of a budget that cut ECS money to local communities for education. 

With Mary, budgets won’t be balanced on the backs of our children.

It’s time for a fresh approach, new energies and new ideas. We residents of Derby. Woodbridge and Orange deserve wholehearted and enthusiastic representation. I am so excited to endorse Mary Welander for the position of State Representative in the 114th District. I will vote for her on November 6th and I hope you will too. 


Linda Fusco
Chair, Derby Housing Authority
Former Chair Derby DTC
Former Member of the Derby Board of Aldermen

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