Derby Schedules, Then Cancels Meeting On Investigative Report

Derby canceled a meeting on Monday because the agenda prepared by the administration failed to say where the meeting would take place.

DERBY — The city’s Board of Aldermen and Alderwomen canceled a meeting to review an investigative report’ two hours before it was scheduled to start on Monday.

The meeting was canceled because the agenda posted for the meeting failed to inform the public where the meeting would take place.

Meeting was canceled because the location of the meeting place was inadvertently left off the meeting notice. It will be rescheduled,” Derby Corporation Counsel Vincent Marino said in an email to The Valley Independent Sentinel.

Derby Finance Director Agata Herasimowicz was put on paid administrative leave from her $110,000 job in early March. She was put on leave so Mayor Rich Dziekan’s administration could investigate possible violations of City policy and procedures” in her role as finance director, according to a March 1 letter from Walt Mayhew to Herasimowicz.

Mayhew is Dziekan’s chief of staff.

In an interview with The Valley Indy last week
, Mayhew said that Herasimowicz’ was put on leave so that the city could look into whether she violated the city charter or city policies.

It is difficult to explain precisely what actions are under investigation because the administration is being secretive.The administration has so far declined to release the report to the public, classifying it as a personnel matter.

Mayhew said the Dziekan administration started the probe after members of the Derby Board of Apportionment asked questions at a public meeting earlier this year. The elected officials asked questions about transfers with the Derby budget. One member stressed that the board has to approve items before the items are paid for, according to meeting minutes and an audio recording.

Last week Jennifer Desroches, one of the members of the board who asked questions, said that Herasimowicz was doing a good job as finance director and should be back in Derby City Hall.

The Dziekan administration engaged an outside firm to prepare an investigative report” to review the matter — which is not criminal in nature, Mayhew said, but a review of policies.

Last week the administration would not name the firm, likely a violation of the state’s Freedom of Information Act.

Monday’s meeting agenda was supposed to be held for the sole purpose of discussing the investigative report/personnel matter” in executive session, a type of meeting closed to the public.

Executive sessions are permitted if a public body is discussing a specific employee. However, the employee has the right under state law to request the meeting be conducted in public. The agenda did not specifically mention Herasimowicz.

The meeting agenda stated Monday’s meeting would happen in person, but failed to mention it would be held in Derby City Hall.

The Aldermen & Alderwomen hired Herasimowicz in May 2021 and she started in July 2021. The city’s deputy finance director quit six days after Herasimowicz was put on leave in March.

Herasimowicz is Derby’s sixth finance director since 2012. Her employment contract with the city runs through July 2024.


Derby government currently receives guidance with its finances from the Municipal Finance Advisory Commission (MFAC). The chairwoman of that commission, concerned with a lack of progress with the city’s finance department, told Mayor Dziekan the commission may consider recommending the city go to the Municipal Accountability Review Board, a state entity that could, potentially, have more oversight of Derby finances.

Mayhew said Derby would not be sent to MARB because the city’s finances are healthy and the city is making progress tackling weaknesses pointed out in previous financial audits.

The next MFAC meeting is scheduled for 10 a.m. June 29. It should be noted that the agenda for that MFAC meeting, posted June 3, does not mention a vote to consider sending Derby to MARB. Click here to read the June 29 MFAC agenda.

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