Derby Touts Community Of Distinction Video

The City of Derby unveiled a new marketing video earlier this month, as part of city hall’s ​“Discover Derby” initiative.

“Despite being the smallest municipality in the state, Derby has a lot to offer and Derby Mayor Anita Dugatto wants everyone to know it,” according to an April 14 press release from the mayor’s office.

The video features the mayor, the superintendent of schools, the Valley Center for the Arts, Center Stage in Shelton, Griffin Hospital and much more.

Click the play button to watch it.

“Derby is in competition for residents and employers with every city and town from New York to Boston and beyond. We need to let everyone know that Derby is a great community to invest in,” Dugatto said in a prepared statement.

A link to the video is on Derby’s new website.

The video was shot and cut by a production company called ​“Communities of Distinction.”

Initially the 5‑minute promotional video was going to cost taxpayers $20,000. It was going to be packaged as an infomercial that would air on cable. The project was pitched as an infomercial hosted by NFL legend Terry Bradshaw.

The city paid half the amount upfront, but the production company refunded the money after they admitted Bradshaw wasn’t connected to the company.

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