Derby Town Clerk’s Office Collecting Soup And Broth For St. Vincent DePaul

The following message was sent Tuesday by Derby City/Town Clerk Marc Garofalo:

As the inevitable chill comes back to Connecticut, it is a great reminder that we can help to warm the body and soul of our neighbors by donating to St. Vincent DePaul Food Bank.

This month we will be collecting: Ready to Eat Soup or Broth for the St. Vincent de Paul of the Valley Food Bank.

Please consider donating some Ready to Eat Soup or Broth and bring them to the Town / City Clerk’s Office by the end of October and we will deliver them.

I have attached a flyer, as requested, for your convenience.

Please forward to friends, relatives, associates and colleagues. We appreciate your support. As another option, you can make a tax-deductible donation directly to St. Vincent de Paul of the Valley Food Bank, 237 Roosevelt Drive, Derby, CT 06418.

Thank you for your cooperation and possible participation.


Marc J. Garofalo, MPA, CCTC – Town / City Clerk

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