Derby WPCA Schedules Pre-Referendum Info Sessions

Attention Derby residents: The Derby Water Pollution Control Authority is gearing up for a referendum for the spring to make repairs to city infrastructure.

The press release below was sent out by the WPCA:

The WPCA will host two public informational sessions concerning the City wide waste water facilities long range plan and project upgrades.

The agenda and discussion will focus on the comprehensive waste water facilities study along with plans to move forward with a city-wide referendum in the spring to seek approval for these upgrades.

The public is encouraged to attend these very important sessions that will address the upgrades to this vital city infrastructure.

Engineers and city officials will be on hand to make presentations and address questions from the public.

There will also be a final public hearing held at City Hall after these informational sessions are held. 

That date is to be determined and will be posted.

The informational session dates are:


Feb. 25, Monday at Derby Middle School 7 p.m.

Feb, 27, Wednesday at Hotchkiss Hose Fire House 7 p.m.

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