Dismissal Likely For Local Drug Charges Connected To Federal Raid

FILEThe criminal cases against some of the people who were swept up by police as federal agents raided a suspected drug dealer’s house in Ansonia are wrapping up, court records indicate.

Authorities raided a house on Dwight Street in January and accused James Costanzo, the property owner, of being a major prescription pill pusher in the area. The federal case against Costanzo is pending.

Dwight Street is a dead-end street in Ansonia. During the raid, police accused people of either approaching the property to buy drugs during the raid or of waiting in cars on the road to buy drugs. 

That resulted in eight arrests, including that of former local football star and NFL prospect Ryan Osiecki, 25.

Police charged each of the eight people with conspiracy to possess narcotics and released on written promises to appear in court.

No Public Record’

Osiecki was scheduled to appear at Superior Court in Derby in the case April 8.

On April 9, a clerk said only that there is no public record” of Osiecki’s case, which indicates a judge may have granted his participation in the pretrial drug education program at his appearance in court Tuesday.

When defendants apply to such programs, their court files are sealed, per state law.

If accepted into the program, the court case gets put on hold while defendants attend 15 weeks of education programs or substance abuse treatment, as well as perform community service. The programs are meant for first-time, non-violent offenders.

If a person completes the program successfully, the criminal charges against them are dismissed by a judge.

Osiecki is scheduled to appear in Derby court again on April 9, 2015.

A call to Osiecki’s agent April 9 was not returned.

The other people charged included:

Talisa Henry, whose case is awaiting disposition.” Henry was due in court April 17.

Joseph Naples’ case is also awaiting disposition. He is due in court May 12.

There is no court record for David Barber, who was initially picked up by police.

Adam Barber is due in court for a pre-trial hearing April 23.

Kevin Corcoran’s case is awaiting disposition and he is due in court April 30.

The cases against Michael Gannon and Daniel Sheets are also sealed, which indicates they could have received court diversions programs, too.

Dealer Faces Federal Charges

Meanwhile, drug distribution charges against Costanzo and an alleged associate, Brian Earl, of North Haven, are still pending in federal court.

A month after his arrest, Costanzo asked a judge to let him post bail in the case and live with family members in Florida while the charges against him were pending.

But at a detention hearing at U.S. District Court in Bridgeport, a prosecutor played recordings of conversations Costanzo had with his girlfriend while behind bars that show he was still running his drug business while awaiting trial. 

A judge cited the disturbing” recordings in denying Costanzo’s request.

According to court records, jury selection in Costanzo’s case is scheduled for July 8, though it’s far more likely the case will end in a plea deal.

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