Election Day 2014: Road Bond Results!

GOOGLE PHOTOVoters in Derby, Seymour and Shelton cast ballots Tuesday as to whether to borrow money to make road repairs.

The results:

Derby residents approved a $3.7 million road bond question 1,932 to 1,082, according to unofficial results.

Seymour residents approved a $5.6 million road bond 3,359 to 1,604, according to unofficial results.

First Selectman Kurt Miller’s reaction was concise: Very happy.”

Shelton residents approved a $5 million road bond question by a vote of 10,497 to 2,314, according to unofficial results.

Results weren’t available as of 12:10 a.m. Wednesday.

In Derby, the following roads will be repaired:

  • Benanto Drive (approximately 914 linear feet)
  • Bluff Street (approximately 500 linear feet)
  • Derby Milford Road (approximately 1,347 linear feet)
  • East Hawkins Street (approximately 221 linear feet)
  • Eighth Street (approximately 1,022 linear feet)
  • Emmett Avenue (approximately 3,490 linear feet)
  • Evelyn Road (approximately 458 linear feet)
  • Mountain Street (approximately 950 linear feet)
  • Mt. Pleasant Street (approximately 2,500 linear feet)
  • Pleasant View Road (approximately 2,170 linear feet)
  • Seventh Street (approximately 528 linear feet)
  • Yocher Lane (approximately 250 linear feet)

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