Former Oxford Superintendent Judith Palmer is suing the school district for back pay, Oxford Patch is reporting.
Palmer’s lawsuit says she is owed $4,200.
Palmer left the Oxford district in August 2010 to take a job with the Region 7 school district.
Three months prior to her departure, the Oxford Board of Education voided her contract, apparently because it contained language that allowed it to automatically approved.
It ignited a controversy in town, with Palmer supporters setting up a Facebook page and organizing a demonstration to protest the school board’s move.
Click here to read every story the Valley Indy has published on the issue.
Republicans, who held the majority of members on the school board, dismissed the criticism as politically motivated.
In March 2011, Palmer filed a lost wage claim against the district, saying she was short-changed in her final paycheck from Oxford.
The school board voted 5 – 3 at the time to fight Palmer’s claim.
The school district attorney said Palmer is not owed money and that she is mistaken in her belief that she is owed money.
Here is a video from the meeting where that decision was made:
Palmer’s lawsuit seeks damages in excess of $5,000, attorney’s fees and other costs, according to Oxford Patch. Click here to read the Patch story.
Members of the Oxford Board of Education is scheduled to discuss Palmer’s lawsuit at their next meeting, scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 21 in the media center at Oxford High School.
Turnover At The Top
After Palmer left the school district, she was replaced on an interim basis by James Connelly.
The district hired Edward Malvey in January 2011 as superintendent. However, he submitted a letter of resignation to the school board in May.
Connelly was brought back on an interim basis.
It appears the school district is close to choosing a new schools chief, as the job listing is off the New England School Development Counci’s website.