This submitted photo shows a fake $20 bill that was passed by a person at a diner in Seymour.
SEYMOUR – The town’s First Selectwoman said a fake $20 bill was passed at a local business earlier this month.
First Selectwoman Annmarie Drugonis said the counterfeit bill was passed by a customer at the Route 67 Diner in Klarides Village last week. She learned about the incident when she was eating at the diner, and the owner told her what happened.
“The guy told the waitress he was in a rush and left a $20 bill on the table,” Drugonis said. “When the waitress brought the bill to the cash register, the owner felt the bill and knew it was fake.”
Drugonis said she’s aware of only the one incident in town where counterfeit money was used. But because Seymour has lots of small businesses, Drugonis wants both business owners and residents to be aware that more counterfeit bills could be in circulation.
Drugonis posted pictures of the fake $20 bill on the town’s Facebook page. The words, ‘copy money’ can be seen on the bill in black lettering on the front of the $20, and in pink lettering on the back of the bill, which the owner of the diner stamped onto the bill himself.
The incident was not reported to police, according to Seymour Police Chief John Bucherati. He said there have not been any other incidents to date about reports of counterfeit bills being passed at local businesses.
“There hasn’t been anything significant in the last six months which would indicate a large number (of fake bills) in circulation (in Seymour),” Bucherati said.
Bucherati noted that people who pass counterfeit bills usually try to buy a small, inexpensive item with a bigger bill to get real money change.
He said if residents come into possession of counterfeit money, they can report it to police by calling (203)881‑7600. Anyone caught passing fake money can be charged with forgery and larceny, Bucherati said.
More tips on how to spot counterfeit money can be found online at
Quick Glance Guide (uscurrency.gov)