The Ansonia Housing Authority won’t release the complaint that led to the resignation of its executive director and the termination of another employee.
The housing authority Jan. 12 denied a Freedom of Information request from the Valley Independent Sentinel for the complaint, citing ​“pending litigation.”
The Valley Indy filed several FOI requests for several documents as part of its reporting on the resignation of Executive Director James Finnucan.
Finnucan, a past mayor of Ansonia, resigned on Dec. 28.
The housing authority Board of Commissioners on Dec. 1 fired its ​“compliance coordinator” Tiffany Reeves.
The resignation and termination apparently came as a result of a ​“claim” and ​“allegations” made by another housing authority employee, Gwen Archer.
That is according to meeting minutes released to the Valley Indy this month.
Officials are not commenting on the staff changes, citing personnel reasons.
Finnucan did not return calls for comment and contact information for Reeves was unavailable.
FOI Requests
The documents the Valley Indy requested were:
- The resignation letter of James Finnucan
- The complaint filed by Archer
- The ​“separation agreement” between Finnucan and the Ansonia Housing Authority, an agency supported by public funds
- The salary figures of Finnucan and Reeves
- The job description for Reeves, which officials would not comment on this month.
On Jan. 13, Jeff Tuccio, an attorney for the commissioners, sent four responses to the FOI requests.
Tuccio released the salaries for Finnucan and Reeves.
Finnucan made $104,978 a year before his resignation. He will continue to be paid through the end of February, according to minutes from the meeting at which he resigned.
Reeves made $47,996 a year.
Tuccio did not release the resignation letter or separation agreement between the Ansonia Housing Authority and Finnucan. Tuccio said the letter was being held ​“in escrow” and that the agreement had not been finalized.
“At this point in time, the Housing Authority has not yet entered into a separation agreement with Mr. Finnucan but if this occurs, said resignation letter and separation agreement shall be made available to you to copy and/or inspect,” Tuccio’s letter states.
Tuccio, in his denial of the complaint, said Archer has a pending claim for unemployment compensation — which he classified as pending litigation.
Paul Oates, a spokesman for the state Department of Labor, said the unemployment claim process is confidential.
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Ansonia Housing Authority FOI Response
Tuccio also released a document that outlines the job description for the compliance coordinator.
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AHA Compliance Coordinator Job Description
Reeves held ​“a highly responsible position” that required her to complete human resources tasks; help the executive director with grant rules, program regulations and agency policy; and performs HUD reports related to agency performance.
Reeves also served as ​“lead point of contact for all external reviews including single audit, HUD, or compliance reviews or investigations by other entities” such as the Department of Labor, Fair Housing and the state police.
Officials have remained silent about the issue, except to say they hope to name an interim director soon.