Fire Displaces Two Ansonia Families

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Firefighters at the scene of a fire at a two-family house on Ansonia’s Beaver Street.

ANSONIA — Two families were displaced after a fire damaged a house on Beaver Street Sunday.

One firefighter sustained a minor cut and was treated at the scene by EMS, according to Fire Marshal Darrick Lundeen.

There were no other injuries.

Lundeen said the Red Cross was called to assist the two families displaced by the blaze.

The fire marshal’s office is investigating how the fire began.

Emergency crews were sent to the house — 311 Beaver St. — about 3:30 p.m. Sunday.

Ansonia Fire Department Chief Edward Adamowski said they arrived to find smoke and fire at the rear of the house’s first floor.

He said a person inside the house at the time was escorted out by firefighters.

The flames spread to the outside of the house’s second floor before being knocked down.

About 35 firefighters from Ansonia and Derby responded, as did crews from Ansonia Rescue and Medical Services.

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“They hit the hydrant, they started the tank water and got the first line in operation and knocked it down quickly,” Adamowski said. ​“The guys did a great job.”

A building inspector was called to assess the extent of the damage to the home.

Emergency crews began packing up by about 4:15 p.m.

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