Firefighters Make Quick Work Of Father’s Day Blaze

A Google Map showing Argonne Terrace, which is off Roosevelt Drive/Route 34.

SEYMOUR — Oxford and Seymour firefighters responded to a report of a structure fire” on Argonne Terrace in Seymour Sunday at about 1:36 p.m.

The initial emergency radio dispatch said a porch was on fire, though that was later revised to a fire inside a garbage container.

One of the first firefighters on scene reported smoke coming from a three-story apartment.

The fire was reported as mostly knocked down” as of 1:40 p.m. No injuries were reported in the first minutes after emergency crews were sent to the scene.

Some damage to the vinyl siding was reported, but initial radio reports said the fire did not extend into the interior of the house.

Sunday was Father’s Day and the temperature was about 90 degrees outside.

As of 1:45 p.m., crews were waiting for a fire marshal to respond to the scene.

Argonne Terrace is off Route 34/Roosevelt Drive.

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