Food Drive-Car Show Oct. 27 In Derby

On Sunday, OCTOBER 27,2013 (rain date Nov. 3) from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Heav’nly Donuts will celebrate its end of the season Cruise Night — OUR 27th SEASON.

Dash Plaques will be given out to the first 150 cars and as always drivers can enter the free raffle for car care goods.

We began the year with our Very Successful CARS & CANS Food Drive to benefit the Spooner House, we want to end the Season with another CARS & CANS Food Drive, this will be to benefit the CT FOOD BANK.

We overflowed our 48 Crosley Station Wagon, so this time we will have 2 Crosley Station Wagons.

We will also be accepting Frozen turkeys being Thanksgiving is right around the corner, so let’s try to help others who aren’t as fortunate as us.

We would like to thank all the participants who bring their beautiful cars and bikes , and all the spectators who come to view the cars and bikes that have made this Cruise such a success.

Since 1987 we have had one of the oldest,biggest continuous running , Cruise Night in the state. The Cruise has grown from 60 cars at the beginning , 27 seasons ago, to where now we get up to 150 cars and 50 bikes (UNFORTUNATELY THATS ALL WE CAN FIT,WE HAVE TO TURN SOME AWAY).

Although our official time is 6 p.m. to 9 p.m EVERY SUNDAY from Mother’s Day to the second Sunday in October, we get drivers coming in as early as 2 p.m. to get their favorite parking spaces.

This is an event that is FREE, FREE to the participants who show their vehicles , and FREE to the spectators who can come and view some of the Hottest vehicles in the state (we’ve had vehicles from NY and MASS also).

The Cruise has become a part of us and a great place where friendships have formed, we have participants from all different walks of life who have become friends with love of automobiles being the common bond. So come and enjoy, see some great vehicles, meet some great people. 

LOCATION: HEAVNLY DONUTS 658 New Haven Ave. (RTE 34)in Front of WalMart in Derby.

For further information call Heav’nly Donuts 203 – 734-4185 ask for Ernie.

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