George Temple Takes The Oath In Oxford

Before a standing room-only crowd, new Oxford First Selectman George Temple was officially sworn into office Monday night.

About 125 people packed the Stephen B. Church Memorial Town Hall to watch as Temple’s friend, state Superior Court Judge Joan Alexander, administered the oath.

With his wife, Kathy, by his side, and son Andy proudly looking on, Temple pledged to work hard for the people of Oxford who voted him into office in his first campaign for the town’s top political seat.

“We did the talk, and now it’s time to walk the walk,” Temple said, referring to his journey along the campaign trail, which began in earnest in May and culminated earlier this month with his victory in a three-way race. ​“I will listen to you, I value your opinion, after all, you put me here, and that’s what I’m going to do.”

Temple said he was thrilled to see the audience filled with Democrats, Republicans and Independents alike, and reiterated his campaign mantra of ​“Oxford Together,” inviting all to work in concert for the betterment of the town.

“This is a very good start, and we can do a lot if we hang in there together,” he said.

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