Gildea Asks Voters For Another Term On Derby Board Of Education

As Election Day nears, I am once again seeking a seat on the Derby Board of Education. 

Previously, I served from 1992 until 2005 (as Chair from 1994 – 2005) and again for the last two years. I have done my best to do what I felt was right. 

I have also tried to communicate important information to those whom I serve. I have attempted to explain my opinions on issues so people knew where I stood or what I was thinking. 

I take my role as a representative of the citizens very seriously. I hope my actions have shown that. I have attempted to follow up on items that were brought to me as well as utilize emails and social media to keep those I represent informed. I believe that communication and transparency are vital to an open and productive government. 

As the father of seven children, three of whom are still in the Derby public school system, I pledge that I will be continue to be an educational advocate and will work to improve our school system. 

At the same time, I believe that the school system needs to be careful with the educational funding we are safeguarded with and ensure we are prudent with the tax dollars we are given and get the most out of them. I believe that investment in public education is the greatest investment a community can make as a strong school system ensures that our community is one that people and businesses want to move into and invest in.

I am also a strong believer that a school system must have the highest standards to ensure that we provide students with choices when they graduate; whether it is college or the workforce. I believe that we can’t just focus on the academic needs of our students but rather we need to ensure that we reach each and every student. 

Our children need balance in their lives and benefit greatly from extracurricular activities such as sports and the arts and we must ensure that we provide these opportunities.

On Election Day, I am asking for your support. Thank you.

The writer is a running for the Derby school board on the Republican line.

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