I would like to take the time and clarify part of a letter submitted by Sal Hanaif who is running for Alderman of Ansonia’s 7th ward (dated October 29th, 2013 in the Valley Indy).
Mr. Hanaif states that “one of the things we were continuously thanked for was providing extra funding to the public schools in order for them to provide all day kindergarten.”
Whether this is a true statement or a bit embellished, the letter eludes readers to believe that Alderman Dave Knapp, Mr. Hanaif and the Democratic Party had a direct hand in the funding of the all-day kindergarten program, or at least are trying to paint the illusion that they did.
The truth is full time kindergarten is being funded by a state grant from the Alliance District Grant Program, not by Alderman Knapp, Sal Hanaif or Democratic Party as the column would like you to believe.
It is my understanding that ALL education is funded by the cities tax payers along with state and federal grants; NOT by any particular individual/individuals or political party.
A May article in the Valley Indy stated, “the school district and the tax board hashed out a plan that could see full-time kindergarten start in Ansonia next year — paid for, at the moment and hopefully for the next five years, by a state grant for struggling public school systems like Ansonia’s.” I did not see the names of the aforementioned Democratic candidates in that statement.
The all-day kindergarten program is currently being funded by a 5 year state grant that the Ansonia Tax Board and Ansonia Board of Alderman have agreed (as part of the plan) to continue to fund when and if the grant runs out. This agreement does not come without possible consequences as the tax board explains; “School grants in general make the Ansonia tax board nervous because the grant funding disappears, at which time the funding is passed on directly to the city’s struggling taxpayers.” There is further concern when tax board President Mr. Sturges states “he doesn’t see a long-term solution to school funding in Ansonia.”
However, tax board member Ed Norman stated “financing the program is doable, provided the city has adequate time to prepare for the expenditure.” Let’s hope Mr. Norman and the rest of the tax board keep this plan in mind while determining future budgets, so Ansonia’s tax payers are not burdened with shouldering another drastic overnight tax hike.
In closing, it was not Alderman Knapp, Sal Hanaif or the Ansonia Democratic Party who “funded” all-day kindergarten for our children; it was a state grant from the Alliance District Grant Program that funded the program. Tuesday you have the opportunity to vote for new leadership to steer Ansonia in the right direction, not for “great men” who are obviously willing to take credit for something they didn’t do; then again, “great men” usually don’t.
The writer is a Republican running to represent the Seventh Ward on the Ansonia Board of Aldermen.