Graduation Prizes Awarded In Ansonia

ANSONIA – The following graduation prizes were announced during commencement exercises for Ansonia High School Class of 2019, held on June 7:

Class of 1940 Award: Dain Padilla

The Michael J. Adanti Memorial Community Fund: Anthony Asanoff

The Carl R. Ajello Prize: Nevaeh Sorrentino

Ronald J. Aldo Memorial Award: Andre Jatsiv

American Legion Post #50 Graduation Prize: Marvyl Ellis

The Joseph Jay” Amico Artistic Memorial Scholarship Fund: Alexa Benfanti and Aaron Wang

The Ansonia Federation of Teachers, Local 1012: Hunter Saddler

Ansonia High School Faculty and Staff Prize: Brandon Vargas

Ansonia High School Faculty and Staff Charger Forever Award: Terjuan Burney 

Ansonia High School Principal’s Award: Kaitlyn Caple

Ansonia Rod & Gun Club Award: Abigail Rupar and Christopher Winters

Ansonia Rotary Club Scholarship: Kaitlyn Caple

Assumption Home-School Association: Anthony Cortigiano and Alexa Benfanti

The John F. Blake, Jr. Memorial Scholarship: Sarah Madar

The Robert Blouin/A.F.T. Spanish Prize: Cali Brown

The Rachael and William Brogadir Prize: Jaiden Davis and Katie Zarka

The Catholic War Veteran’s – St. Michael’s Post 1562 Prize: Devin Conniff

The Nick Collicelli Human Relations Club Award: Irene Arias

John Coughlin Memorial Prize: Tyler Navarro

The Alfred R. Cox, AHS Gridiron Memorial Prize: Martin Antoine

John Smolen Danielsky Business Award: Martin Antoine

The Julius I. Douglas Artist Memorial Award: Jaiden Davis

The Frank Erlingheuser Memorial Award: Isabella Valentin

The William Evans Sr. Memorial Award: Autumn Reis

The Salvatore Ferla Memorial Award: Kaylan Ortiz-Pedraza

The Ruth H. Feinberg Connors Principal’s Award: Kaitlyn Caple

The Anna May Finnucan Award: Alexa Benfanti

The Ann Marie Glenn Memorial Award: Karl Gregory

The Nancy Crowley Golino Memorial Prize: Gianna Di Lorenzo

The Peter S. Goumas Presidential Award: Kaitlyn Caple

Arthur Gray, AHS Gridiron Club Award: John Picheco

Holy Rosary Council, #10537, Knights of Columbus: Victor Falkowski

The Coach John Hunt Memorial Prize: Terjuan Burney

The Charles J. Boots” Jarvis Prize: Martin Antoine

The Dennis Keller Memorial Award: John Picheco

A.C. King Memorial Award: Marco Russo

Winifred Bennett Kerins Memorial Prize: Kaylin Ortiz Pedraza and Victoria Zelanin

The Russell and Joanne Kiley Kulawiz Fund: Christopher Winters

Class of 1990 – Shannon Renker Lelacher Memorial Scholarship: Kena Dudac

The Patrick MacNamara Memorial Prize: Luca Belenchia

Irene McAllister Memorial Prize: Irene Arias

Nyah Marcano and Leah Rondon Memorial Prize: Neveah Sorrentino

Louis L. Nicoletti Sr., Business Award: Destiny Walker 

Ann O’Neil Award: Cali Brown 

The Patricia Ann Panitz Memorial Award: Gaby Galicia Barrientos

The Gordon C. Parker Memorial Scholarship: Kaitlyn Caple

The Carmen T. Pitney Sr. Award: Yago Xavier and Abba Bestman

The Joseph E. Potter Memorial Award: Seth Roselle and Camila Peralta

The John Quake Memorial Scholarship: Abba Bestman

The Charleen Riccio Memorial Prize: Rebecca Paskiewicz

The V. Gerard Ryan Scholarship: Gianna Di Lorenzo

The John A. Sabulis, Pine Class of 1944, Memorial Award: James Boland 

The Dorothy Shortell Memorial Award: Julia Catale 

Matthew Pop Shortell”, AHS Gridiron Club Athletic Award: Marco Russo

The Luba Soldra Memorial Graduation Prize: Luca Belenchia

The Mary Haussler Soukup Memorial Art Award: Anna Kichar

The Carol Sovinski Memorial Award: Elizabeth Wilson

The Jeanne Sovinski Memorial Award: Arianna Blackwell

Julian A. Taylor Memorial Scholarship: Ekette Weamie

Minnie Tolles Scholarship: Cali Brown

The George Vartelas Memorial Scholarship: Terjuan Burney

The Peter Vartelas Memorial Scholarship: Xhemile Shahini

Vocational Education Scholarship: Michael Weir

James Wilkins Lodge #9 Graduation Prize: Jada Venson

The Yudkin Family Scholarship: Nikka Real, Dain Padilla, Aaron Wang, Michael Esposito, Sarah Madar, Rebecca Paskiewicz, Kaitlyn Caple, Victoria Zelanin, Tyler Koenig and Kamil Kwaskiewicz

Seymour L. Yudkin Scholarship Fund: Bryan Nguy, Timmy Betancur, Samantha Rowland, Julia Catale and Lance Praseutsack 

The Robert E. Zuraw Scholarship Award: Nevaeh Sorrentino

The Stephen F. Zuraw Memorial Scholarship: Martin Antoine

The Herman and Bess Glazer Scholarship: Arsalan Baig, Asher Syed and Logan Lumley

The Bonnie L. Brown Scholarship: Elizabeth Wilson and Arianna Blackwell

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