I’m writing today in regards to the streets of Ansonia being in such disrepair.
Potholes have been getting patched just to reopen. Cracks, holes, patches, gullies, it’s insane and unacceptable.
In the last two years, we’ve had to repair front end damage more then once to both of our vehicles.
In addition, it’s an eyesore. Example would be North State Street. Take a drive down the street and take a look not only at the road but how about the sidewalks.
The bottom line is you get what you give. It’s starting to look like skid row. Let’s pave the road and repair the sidewalks.
I’ve lived in this city for 23 years and have never seen things look so bad. I know that we received funds to revitalize the downtown but honestly, there are other places that need revitalizing also.
I urge you Mayor Cassetti and the City of Ansonia to please, pave the roads! I hate to see what this winter will bring for our city roads.
Warmest regards,
Noreen DeCiucis