Guest Column: Cassetti Administration ‘Poor Winners’

I’ve always believed that it is the people who lose elections that can sometimes be poor sports. But it seems to me in the City of Ansonia it’s the winner who is the poor sport. 

Mayor Cassetti, you won. Do your people have to constantly try and belittle our former mayor?

James Della Volpe was elected seven times; more than any mayor in this city’s history. Now he was either doing something right or the residents of Ansonia are all dumb. Did Mayor Della Volpe make some bad decisions? Of course. You don’t spend 14 years in City Hall without making some mistakes. But overall, he was a terrific mayor.

I am not a lifelong friend of Mr. Della Volpe, in fact I’m 68 years old and have only lived the last 28 years in Ansonia. I’m writing this because I’m tired of reading all the negativity coming out of City Hall about our former Mayor.

I know a lot of this is coming from his staff, some who are not even from Ansonia.

I just want people to know our experience with the former Mayor. My wife and I suffered a major tragedy six years ago and Mayor Della Volpe was one of the first ones by our side. I will never forget that and will be eternally grateful. Maybe compassion doesn’t mean a lot, but to us it meant everything. I have nothing against Mayor Cassetti, in fact I want him to do a great job, because then we all win. Just please lay off our former mayor, remember you won.

Joseph Kowalczyk, Ansonia

The writer is an Ansonia resident.

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