GUEST COLUMN: Seymour Residents Need To Vote!


A powerful word indeed. 

Recently I had the opportunity to attend a Leadership Conference where the theme was CHOICE.

What choices could I make to ensure the success of my organization, my personal and professional relationships, etc.? Reflecting upon that session and our current school and town budget struggles I find myself trying to rationalize and comprehend the choices that my neighbors have made.

Each day we choose things such as what to wear, where to go, what to do and how and where we will spend our money. As individuals we make different choices based upon our own preferences and needs. We will never all make the same choice. One of the joys of being a US citizen is that freedom of choice. However, with any choice there is also a corresponding result or consequence of that decision.

This past fall Seymour voters chose new leadership. With that choice they were putting their faith in those elected to lead Seymour in a new and hopefully more prosperous direction. The election speeches brought promises of new initiatives, more accountability, a professional business approach and continued fiscal responsibility. I do not recall hearing at any time that changes such as those would not cost the taxpayer a penny more.

Seymour taxpayers are certainly saddled with more than their fair share of the tax burden. 

Over 80 percent of the tax base is residential. Today, Seymour simply does not have a large enough commercial tax base to offset increases in residential property taxes. Couple that with recent property reevaluation and the economic downturn and it makes for a depressed state. Many of our citizens feel that they cannot afford yet another tax increase which will only yield a decrease in services. 

Within the municipal government and the BOE, those charged with the creation and advocacy for their respective budgets must make difficult choices as well. What to fund versus what not to fund each and every year. Almost every item brought before these boards represents a need that should be considered and fulfilled. In these instances, the choices that must be made are often both impactful and limited. 

Collective bargaining and the prospect of binding arbitration limit any board’s ability to radically change working conditions, salary and benefits even when the taxpayers may demand it. Postponing needed infrastructure maintenance we know will cost more in the long run. Continued failure to invest in economic development, our school system and community services will not bring about the prosperous result that most are hoping to achieve for our community.

As citizens of the community we have a CHOICE. We can support or not support the budgets put forth. Failure to vote simply supports the status quo. I too wish we could pay less, but we need to continue investing now or I fear we’ll never move forward. Please voice your CHOICE on May 30. 

I for one will continue to support my town by casting YES votes because I believe in a brighter future. 

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