Join The Derby Dog Park Committee

Alderman Carmen DiCenso is looking for volunteers to help out the Derby Dog Park now that the park is open to the public.

DiCenso said he’s looking for people who want to help come up with rules and regulations for the park, which is on Coon Hollow Road in Derby, a road that connects Hawthorne Avenue to Chatfield Street.

Anyone interested in helping should call DiCenso on his cell phone: 203 954‑8546.

We need a committee, a handful of people who can help us make rules and regulations. We also need volunteers who can canvas the properties themselves to keep it clean and make sure the garbage is removed,” DiCenso said.

The dog park, which was paid for by the governments of Ansonia and Derby, hasn’t had an official opening, but a steady stream of dogs and their owners can be spotted there every day.

Sheila O’Malley, speaking on behalf of Mayor Anthony Staffieri, said officials were waiting on the construction of a few signs before having an official ribbon-cutting.

DiCenso thanked the many companies and individuals who have helped make the park a reality. Click here for a previous Valley Indy story on Derby Life Scout Anthony Bartholomew, who built the equipment and benches inside the small park.

It’s phenomenal,” DiCenso said of the dog park. The city did a great job. Ronnie Culmo and the public works staff did a great job. The Boy Scouts did a great job and so did a lot of other people,” he said.

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