The hedge hog!
Jungle Jamboree is an interactive, entertaining, and educational live animal program for people of all ages.
The goal of Jungle Jamboree is to generate an individual’s appreciation and respect for the natural world and the amazing diversity of life on earth by showing people exotic and unusual animals.
Interesting facts about the animals and their conservation will be shared.
Come meet FiFi la Fume the Skunk, Huxley the African Pygmy Hedgehog, Tucker the Three Banded Armadillo, Spirit the Western Hognose Snake and many more.
The Kellogg Environmental Center is located at 500 Hawthorne Ave.
Light refreshments will be served after the program.
A donation of $5 per adult is requested. Children under 12 are free.
For further information, directions, or to register, please phone the Kellogg Environmental Center at (203) 734‑2513 or contact Dennis Kocyla at (203) 734‑9325 or .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).