State Sen. Kevin Kelly (R‑Stratford) has been named the next Senate Republican Leader by the Connecticut Senate Republican Caucus.
Kelly was chosen by his fellow caucus members to serve as the next caucus leader following the retirement of Senate Republican Leader Len Fasano (R‑North Haven) who has served as leader since 2014.
Kelly’s state Senate district includes Monroe, Seymour, Shelton and Stratford.
“I am incredibly honored to be named the next leader of the Senate Republican Caucus,” Kelly said in a prepared statement. “Our caucus is made up of hard-working individuals who love our state and are ready to fight for it. Together we will stand up for policies that make our state more affordable for all people by reducing tax burdens on working- and middle-class families, creating opportunities in education and jobs, and increasing health care access and affordability. We must lead our state through the unprecedented challenges of pandemic recovery by simultaneously focusing on job growth and protecting those most vulnerable to COVID-19: our elderly population and minority communities.”
Kelly has named State Senator Paul Formica (R‑East Lyme) to serve as his deputy, taking the title of Senate Republican Leader Pro Tempore.
“Our caucus is focused on standing up for all people, offering solutions and showing a better path forward. We will continue our efforts to strengthen public safety, education, health care, and workforce training and we will remain strongly focused on restoring the state’s financial health to give residents the stability and predictability they deserve. The people of Connecticut are facing historic challenging times. Far too many people are struggling to afford to live here and they are scared for their health and safety. Our caucus will give all people a voice, stand up to the majority, and strive to bring balance to the legislature,” said Kelly.
Kelly is an elder law attorney from Stratford. Prior to working in private practice, he worked as an investigator for the Department of Social Services for more than 13 years. He is currently the Ranking Member of the Aging Committee, the Insurance and Real Estate Committee, and the Committee on Children. He also serves as a member of the Regulation Review Committee. Kelly has been an advocate for health care affordability and accessibility, supporting the needs of senior citizens, growing jobs, improving women’s health care, and advancing “Aging in Place” initiatives.
“Senator Kelly is a thoughtful, talented and passionate lawmaker who is known for being a fierce advocate and fighter as well as someone who can bring people together to tackle big problems,” Fasano said. “He is one of the most respected and knowledgeable lawmakers in Hartford when it comes to health care and issues impacting seniors. He has been a champion for the most vulnerable and middle-class families and a staunch advocate for smart fiscal policies that cut wasteful spending and prioritize core government services to protect the most vulnerable. Sen. Kelly will be a strong leader both for our caucus, and for the entire state of Connecticut.”
Sen. Kelly has served in the State Senate since 2011. He lives in Stratford with his wife, Cindy. Their family includes four children and soon to be seven grandchildren.
For more information on State Senator Kevin Kelly visit www.senatorkevinkelly.com. Follow Sen. Kelly at www.Facebook.com/SenatorKevinKelly, on Twitter 21KevinKelly or Instagram @SenatorKevinCKelly.
For more information on State Senator Paul Formica visit www.senatorformica.com. Follow Sen. Formica at www.Facebook.com/SenatorFormica, on Twitter and Instagram @SenatorFormica.
Information from a press release.