On Tuesday, November 8th, Seymour voters will have the chance to decide who they would like to lead the community. This is an important decision.
Over the last several months, my opponents and I have laid out what we would do if elected. We have spent time discussing how we would plan for our future. We tried to paint a picture of how we envision Seymour’s future. The question you need to ask yourself is — which vision is best for you and for Seymour?
How do you go about deciding for whom to vote? All three candidates are well liked and well respected. Decisions need to be made on the merits of each candidate, not on who we are friends with or even the party with whom we are affiliated. The decision needs to be made for the person you believe gives Seymour the best chance to move forward.
Seymour can no longer sit back and wait for its leader to take care of issues one at a time. We must become proactive and push our plans for the future. Our leaders must do more than make promises to get elected and then have excuses as to why those promises have not been kept. Accountability starts at the top.
This election is your opportunity to tell the candidates that you will not stand for broken promises. This election is your opportunity to tell the candidates that the time to begin planning for our future is now — not when it is convenient. This election is your opportunity to tell the candidates that you will not be fooled into believing the same political rhetoric two years in a row and be left with nothing to show for it.
Being First Selectman is so much more than listing accomplishments. It is about truly leading the community’s future planning while still addressing today’s issues. Honestly ask yourself this question: “Is Seymour in a better place or position than it was two years ago?” If you look around Seymour, I think you will agree that the answer is a profound No!
Progress is not something you say, it is something you show through your actions. Unfortunately, Seymour has seen no progress and with the lack or inability to plan for our future, progress is not something we will soon see unless we make a change.
I have said many times that Leadership Matters. This is much more than a campaign slogan. It is a statement of what I know we need to see in Seymour. It is time we begin to plan for what we would like our town to be in the future, and we cannot do that by standing still. It is time to chart our course and work together to get there. I have the professional experience and background to do this. My opponents can not say the same thing.
That is why I am asking you to consider voting for me, Kurt Miller, to be your First Selectman on Nov. 8th.
The writer is the Republican candidate for Seymour First Selectman.
Note:The Valley Indy will cease publishing guest columns by Sunday, Nov. 6. The final deadline for submissions is Saturday, Nov. 5 at 12 p.m.