Lawyer’s Age Discrimination Claim Headed For Dismissal

A legal dispute between the City of Ansonia and the Water Pollution Control Authority’s former lawyer is nearing a conclusion.

Last year the lawyer, John Androski, filed a complaint with the state’s Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities alleging the WPCA had fired him as a result of age discrimination.

Androski, who had represented the WPCA for more than a decade, was 71 years old when the WPCA opted not renew his contract at the board’s January 2014 meeting.

I was terminated, notwithstanding the WPCA knew full well that and mentioned on several occasions that I had a long history with the City of Ansonia and the Ansonia WPCA but was told I was too old to serve in that capacity,” Androski’s complaint says.

The city disputed the claim.

At a July 9 hearing in Hartford, Aigné Goldsby, an investigator at the CHRO, heard testimony from Androski and members of the WPCA.

The board members told Goldsby that Androski’s contract was not renewed because of economic and financial reasons.”

Goldsby, in a subsequent draft report, noted that the WPCAs chairman, Nunzio Parente, is 60, and other members appointed by Mayor David Cassetti after he took office were all at least 50 years old.

She also pointed out the WPCA terminated its relationship with a lobbyist, former state Sen. Gary Hale, as well as Prime Engineering, its former engineering firm.

This investigator finds no credible evidence to support age discrimination in this case, and finds the testimony of Mr. Parente and the other WPCA board members credible,” Goldsby wrote. Specifically, all WPCA board members are age 50 and above, and testimony was consistent that Complainant’s contract was not renewed because of economic reasons. Additionally, Respondent also cut ties with their lobbyist and engineering firm during the same time, and they have not hired a new attorney to replace Complainant’s position.”

I conclude that Respondent’s decision not to renew Complainant’s contract was motivated by economic reasons and not motivated by Complainant’s age.”

John Marini, Ansonia’s corporation counsel, said the draft report will become final Aug. 11 unless Androski responds with a rebuttal or provides new evidence.

Androski did not rule out that possibility completely Thursday, but indicated he was going to wash his hands of the matter.

Last month the WPCA and the lawyer resolved a dispute over a bill for legal work and the authority’s files from when Androski represented the WPCA.

While disappointed” with the CHRO report, Androski said, life goes on.”

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