During the public session portion of Tuesday’s Board of Aldermen’s meeting, water started dripping from the ceiling.
Click play on the video above to see water dripping from the roof during Mayor David Cassetti’s monthly remarks to Aldermen.
The building has needed a new roof for years. In 2013, voters approved $1.2 million for roof replacements there and several other city buildings.
photo:ethan fry The bucket.
D’Alessio and Sheila O’Malley, the city’s grant writer, said Wednesday that a bid to replace the roof had been awarded to a contractor who was due to start work this month.
“He was going to start last week,” D’Alessio said. “He was bringing his machines in to start up and then all of a sudden the snow came in he couldn’t.”
He said that the contractor will replace the roof as soon as weather permits.
The project will take about two weeks, D’Alessio said.