Letter: A Mill Rate Cut In Ansonia Will Attract Investment

A handful of Cassetti administration critics are so blinded by their political agenda that they can’t see the forest for the trees when it comes to the proposed Ansonia budget, which slashes the property tax mill rate by 11.5 mills and finally gives Ansonia an ADVANTAGE in attracting business, industrial and residential development to our city.

Assessment on our home increased by 37% but the property tax DECREASED. If a homeowner is seeing a tax INCREASE after the drastic mill rate reduction, it’s because the value of their property has increased very dramatically compared to others. They own a home that has increased in value by 50%, 60%, or even more than assessed five years ago. That’s a great problem to have! Increased property value is a sign that an administration is doing its job and making Ansonia more desirable to both residents and businesses. It’s not reasonable to expect to pay the same dollar amount in property tax regardless of property value. It’s not reasonable to expect to pay the same property tax on a home as the day you purchased it in perpetuity. 

Looking at the big picture, the mayor’s budget has placed Ansonia taxpayers in an ideal position with a historically low mill rate, at a time when property values are high. I anticipate that the amazing progress we have seen in Ansonia over recent years as a result of Mayor Cassetti and his staff’s efforts will accelerate significantly as a result. 

All of the confusion, exaggeration, and flat-out misinformation being communicated via letters and social media posts is nothing more than an attempt to manipulate public opinion against the current administration. The strategy is old and tired and never works. Whether highly educated or a blue-collar worker, our residents are not easily deceived and they resent dishonesty. 

In context, Ansonia taxpayers now enjoy one of the lowest mill rates in the area. This will finally level the playing field and make our city a very desirable location for business, industry and housing development. The resulting additional tax revenue will make it much easier to maintain a stable budget while fully funding schools and city services. Additionally, new business and industry means new employment opportunities… good paying jobs for our residents. 

Where in Connecticut would you be getting a better in deal? Looking at the tax rates of other communities, it is clear that the grass is no longer greener on the other side in most cases. Compare Ansonia’s proposed mill rate of 26.24 mills to other proposed and passed rates this year…

Derby: 38.6 mills 

Beacon Falls: 29.62

Woodbridge: 45.08 mills

Seymour: 37.18 mills

Naugatuck: 47.75 mills 

Newtown: 26.24 mills

Milford: 26.94 mills

Trumbull: 33.64

West Haven: 34 mills 

Stratford: 40.20 mills 

Orange: 32.31 mills 

Waterbury: 55.5 mills

Hamden: 56.79 mills 

New Haven: 37.2 mills

Monroe: 37.55 mills 

Best regards,
Anthony A. Levinsky

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