Letter: Ansonia GOP Plays The 'Who Gets Credit' Game

If you ever wonder why this town struggles, it’s because we’d rather attack each other then get something done. The recent letter to the editor from Alderman Joe Jeanette underscores this point.

The City of Ansonia had a huge win this week with the Community Investment Fund recommending for approval a $6.5 million plan to continue the work to remediate the Ansonia Copper and Brass site. This was possible because Representative Kara Rochelle and State Senator Jorge Cabrera worked across party-lines to create the CIF program. Subsequently, the team at City Hall worked to develop the proposal and application. And then Representative Rochelle and Senator Cabrera worked to make sure it was approved.

A great team effort that everyone should be proud of, right?

But rather than celebrate what this means for our community, it appears this Republican administration would prefer to play the ​“who gets credit game” in an attempt to smear Rep. Rochelle — a Democrat – as it is an election year. 

In fact, it went so far as to have Rep. Rochelle’s opponent — whose work on this effort was simply to vote ​“yes” when it came before the Board of Aldermen — make a video announcing the approval, in effect giving the illusion that he deserved credit. 

Kara, Jorge, Mayor Cassetti, Sheila O’Malley got something great done as a team. Can’t that be enough? Isn’t that what the residents of Ansonia expect? Why do we need to go to such low places as to make fake accusations of plagiarism? 

As Chairman of the Ansonia Democratic Town Committee, I know that politics can be a sharp elbowed game. But this sexist and partisan attack by Mr. Jeanette does not serve the city.

Frankly, Alderman Jeanette’s pettiness and partisanship is showing. This is the type of rhetoric that turns people away from politics and governmental matters, and why we consistently see low voter turnout. 

I know we have 5 weeks left till the election, but maybe we can aim a little higher.

John Feddern
Ansonia Democratic Town Committee

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