Letter: Disappointed In Derby

I write with great disappointment in the Mayor Dziekan administration’s handling of the Freedom of Information issues in the City of Derby. 

As reported in the Valley Independent Sentinel on March 14, 2019 and May 16, 2019, the City actively blocked the public’s access to public records and abused the executive session exemption.

What is this administration trying to hide? Why are they making it difficult to obtain and view public records?

After a complaint was filed with the Freedom of Information Commission due to the continuing violations, it was reported on June 2, 2019 in the Valley Independent Sentinel that the complaint would be withdrawn because the documents in question would be released. 

The withdrawal was contingent upon the Dziekan Administration promise to prepare a new written policy on how staffers comply with record requests, and to compel city workers to participate in an open government training session over the summer.”

Well, the summer is over and once again Mayor Dziekan did not keep his promise.

It seems there is a pattern of deviant behavior that is masked by a smiling face.

Derby deserves better.

The writer lives in Derby.

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The deadline to submit election letters expired Oct. 31.

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