Letter: Fellow Derby BOAT Member A 'Loose Cannon'

Ms. Desroches’s baseless attacks on the administration are nothing new. In meetings of the Board of Apportionment and Taxation (BoAT) on which I serve, she shamelessly ignores the agenda items, which are the purpose of the meeting, and engages in long-winded attacks against the finance office.

When her baseless attacks are exposed by the acting finance director, her common refrain has been I don’t understand.” That should tell readers all they need to know!

She has continually demonstrated a lack of understanding regarding city finances such as the time she initially voted against the $3 million road bond referendum because she thought the city had to repay the full amount at the completion of the project instead of repaying over time. This despite the explanation that this was precisely why the BoAT was being asked to approve the borrowing resolution and the issuance of city bonds. 

She is a loose cannon who has a history of showing up at the finance office, unannounced and without an appointment, interrupting the workflow of the department engaging in the same antics she does at board meetings. When told she needs to make an appointment and not just barge in, she announces I’m an elected official and member of the Board of Apportionment and Taxation.” 

This is the same person who in response to the video bombing of a BOE budget presentation by an individual using the F” word said, Those are the ones that are in special ed.” 

Mr. DiMartino may not be able to choose his supporters. But he certainly should be the one deciding on the candidates running on his ticket. The fact that Ms. Desrouches is running on his ticket for re-election to the BoAT tells you all you need to know about his leadership and decision-making abilities or lack thereof. 

Mike Alberta
The writer is a member of the Derby Board of Apportionment and Taxation.

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