Over the last eight years, Philip has fought relentlessly for the residents of Ansonia. He has been a strong advocate for the Board of Education, economic development, and honest city government.
Many may be familiar with Phil Tripp, but let me introduce you to the side of him I don’t share with almost 19,000 residents.
Phil and I got married in 2008. Our wedding vows were built on honesty and trust. If we don’t agree, we always agree to disagree.
We respect each other’s decisions and are always able to unite to make the impossible possible. I’ve been with Philip through multiple deployments, but thanks to family, friends, and neighbors, we always make it through.
He has been one of my biggest supporters, not only during nursing school but also during my entire nursing career.
He often drives to East Haven just to bring me coffee and dinner while I’m at work. I’m happy to share his sense of humor and willingness to help others.
Philip accepted my three daughters into his life without blinking. At times it wasn’t easy having three young teenagers adjusting to a blended family with Philip and his son Colin.
Philip took my daughters under his wing without reservation, enrolling them into the Ansonia school system and giving them everything they needed to be successful.
A few years later we added to our family. Again, with no questions asked, Philip stepped up to offer encouragement and selflessness.
Lisa has become our stepdaughter and sister to Colin, Tristin, Chelsea, and Ashley.
If that wasn’t enough, we decided to take in my niece from Vermont and enroll her in Ansonia High School.
We can’t forget our ten-year-old son, Nicholas, who is completely spoiled by not only his parents but also his older siblings.
There have been endless hours of school shopping, homework, proms, and listening to lots of drama.
Our pool became the neighborhood pool. The kids had him playing Dance Dance Revolution, singing opera, and teaching him how to be sassy.
Our children would have their friends over and Philip would make sure to get to know each
of them. Our own kids and their friends always had a home where knew they were safe.
Holidays are always full of fun memories, but be sure to keep Philip away from the turkey, well, just don’t have him cook anything unless it’s burgers. Those are always made with love.
Our family knows to make sure to have all the ingredients ready because you can’t ever send Philip to the store for one thing. He’ll come back when dinner is done and put away, with stories of all the people he ran into at the store.
This often makes shopping trips to BJ’s, Big Y, or Stop & Shop take forever, but I’m proud to share him with the residents of Ansonia.
Philip was instrumental in all our successes: he nurtured a love of education, passion for community, and sense of right and wrong in all our children, and he’s been my rock for as long as I’ve known him.
Though his public service means he has to spend more nights away from home, it’s a sacrifice that I know will benefit Ansonia and all its residents.
The writer is married to Phil Tripp, the Democratic nominee for the mayor of Ansonia.
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