Letter: Toxic Environment In Derby City Hall

DERBY — Since the 2021 Mayoral election, I made a choice to sit back without comment and allow the Mayor to do the job he was elected to do. There have been things that came up since Inauguration that concerned me. Until now, I’ve chosen to remain silent. I can’t any longer.

Since 2021, the situation at City Hall has gone from bad to worse. There is a toxic environment driven by a lack of leadership because the leader chooses to be everywhere but at City Hall doing his job. He turned over the keys to the city to a man who has cut off valuable and necessary communication between elected officials and the public. The idea that there is transparency in Derby government is a joke.

After the 2021 inauguration, Administration locked the doors to the Mayoral suite. Unlike other administrations, including Mayor Dziekan’s firs two terms, one could stop in, say hi or ask a question. It’s now appointment only.

Next the President of the BOA was told by Administration that she could no longer set the agendas for BOA meetings, Administration would do it. Department Heads were told not to submit monthly reports to the BOA but submit them directly to Mr. Mayhew. The Alders don’t see them…they presumably die on someone’s desk or end up in the trash. 

Mr. Mayhew stopped BOA Subcommittee Meetings, without discussion with Chair, Sarah Widomski, then called her and the other two female Alders obstructionists. How is it that out of nine Alders on the Board, majority being Democrats, only the women are acting out” causing the Administration to stop meetings? This is a ploy to stop open communication, transparency, and an attempt to limit the power of the Board.

The situation in the City’s Finance Office remains problematic. The financial ship that Mayor Dzieken insisted during his campaign had been righted continues to sink. I won’t rehash what happened with Ms. Herasimowicz but I will tell you that until this week, the Finance Department was being run by two part-time employees from a temporary placement agency. All this though the state’s Municipal Finance Advisory Council has significant enough concerns regarding inconsistent budget figures and multiple late audits to consider sending the city to the Municipal Accountability Review Board. Who is minding the store?

Meanwhile, Administration decides to promote its agenda by spending taxpayer dollars to send out a newsletter. Mayor made a campaign promise to give a $250 tax credit to all city homeowners. Finding the money to keep this promise has now been handed over to State Legislators because Mayor Dzieken has no legal /financial ability to do that. Another promise: he would hire a full time Economic Director. Ten months later we still don’t have one.

Lastly, Administration took under $1,000,000 from our general fund to cover the deficit in the budget. How they will replace it? What will our taxes look like next year?

Every resident of this city deserves better than what we’re getting from this administration. The political bullying and interference with the BOA and

Finance Department needs to stop. Transparency of government must be restored. The dark side of this administration is afraid of will be uncovered by a capable finance director or Alders who ask questions. The City of Derby deserves better.

Joe DiMartino
The writer is a former member of the Derby Board of Aldermen & Alderwomen and ran for mayor as a Democrat in 2021.

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