As a member of the “sandwich generation,” I spend my time caring for my children while also helping elderly members of my family deal with their own challenges. Here in Shelton, many people think that these two groups are fighting for priority from our elected officials. That’s why I was happy to meet Monica Tujak Brill, who is running to represent us in Hartford as our State Senator. Monica understands that children and seniors are both important communities in Shelton, and she has concrete plans to help them.
Monica was a single mother who raised three daughters and is aware of the difficulties in the past few years that seniors, and middle-and-working-class families have experienced. If elected to be our Senator in the 21st District, she has pledged to seek greater tax relief and halt rising prescription and healthcare costs. She wants to make sure our seniors have secure retirements and lower insurance costs, so they can afford to stay in Connecticut. She impressed me with her genuine understanding of the difficulties faced by residents struggling to provide food for their families, and seniors trying to obtain necessary services.
As state Senator Monica will help mandate that education revenue goes to the classrooms, while eliminating wasteful bureaucratic spending. As the mother of an elementary school teacher, she wants to see every teacher succeed and knows it’s vital that classroom teachers are given the right tools necessary to do their jobs. Monica is also committed to reevaluating the school funding formula to determine if it’s fair and that all schools are getting the required revenue. I feel confident that she wants my kids to have the best future they can.
Monica Tujak Brill stands for what’s important to working families in Connecticut — investing in our schools, establishing an earned family and medical leave program, raising the minimum wage, and ensuring equal pay for equal work.
I’m happy to support Monica Tujak Brill, and I hope you’ll look for her name on Row A November 6th.
The writer is a Shelton resident.
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