It was my greatest pleasure to see Ansonia’s former mayor, and current registrar of voters had registered as a write-in candidate to continue her job as the registrar of voters.
Since the primary in August, I have been disappointed by the winner. The registrar of voters position is supposed to be non-political and non-partisan, but I have seen Mr. Papcin inject partisan politics into City issues that aren’t political. In addition, I do not feel the primary was an accurate representation of the residents’ support for this candidate, given that Connecticut is a closed primary state and only allows registered republicans to vote for republican candidates. In a town of 19,000 residents Mr. Papcin only received 371 votes.
Ansonia has 4,443 unaffiliated or 3rd party voters. And I am confident that Nancy Valentine will show us the same respect that she would to her own party. Nancy has the qualifications, she is a certified registrar and has been doing the job for 8 years. Nancy recognised the importance of being non-partisan in her August 10th interview where she said, “The integrity of elections is crucial to good government and politics has no place in this office.”
While I am an unaffiliated voter, I have known Nancy for many years. First I knew her when her daughter would babysit me. Then I knew her as the mayor of this great city. As well as in high school Nancy worked with me to establish an Interac club back in 2002 – 2003. Nancy has always been a friend to education and a kind role model for me. It is with great pleasure and humility I endorse Nancy Valentine for registrar of voters.
Please join me on Election Day, remember to write in Nancy Valentine on Line 11I and fill in the bubble. Let’s keep the integrity for the office intact!
Bryan Sorak
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