Letter Writer Lists Cassetti Administration’s Shortcomings

I admire and support Mayor Cassetti.

Mayor Cassetti is personable, easy to approach, and goes out of his way to engage the community. I believe Ansonia is a better place because of him.

But there are some major shortcomings that need to be addressed with the team. There is an alarming lack of ethnic and political diversity in the administration. 

Many of the key decisions in the city are being made by a just a handful of people and rubber stamped into approval along party lines. 

Tourism is a word that is not understood and ignored. There is no unified plan to market the city to attract people outside the valley. Don’t believe me? Just type Ansonia” in Google. You will get several different unattractive answers, pictures, and lack luster overall view of the city. 

We have a world class collection of diverse culinary destinations, shops and services and you won’t find anything promoting our downtown destination to the outside world.

In regards to the Olson Drive project … Did anyone consider the neighborhoods behind the property? Did they ask if they minded hearing whistles & announcers over a PA? Did anyone ask the developers downtown, who have invested millions, if the view from their buildings, would rather consist of boxy warehouse buildings instead of an attractive waterfront park. 

(In 10 years, if we are doing it right, some of the buildings downtown will be torn down and replaced with taller structures with windows and balconies with a valuable and desirable view) Ansonia can be a destination with a real town green, a potential botanical garden, concert shell, canoe launch, exercise stations, the NRG greenway, splash pad, the ideas are limitless. A free destination for ALL residents (not just those who can afford to pay) and a destination that will attract tourists. 

A pedestrian bridge could link the park to the heart of the dining and shopping district. Regarding the 200 new apartments, what has a better chance of attracting people to rent downtown? What would increase property values more on the west side and downtown? Increased property values can generate just as much tax revenue.
No one was asked at all. No Meeting at the high school. No hearing at city hall.

The Olson Drive water front property is a gem in the rough, and it belongs to ALL the citizens of Ansonia. Bring on the proposals, come up with ideas. Go back, and re-read the Plan of Conservation and Development. Ask the question, does it really follow the guidelines you agreed upon, to improve the city. How will it promote future economic development, not just the run up to election time

The citizens of Ansonia are good, hard working people and need to be represented better when it comes to the choices made about their city’s future development. 

Bring back the Economic Development Commission. Staff it with a dozen people across party lines and unaffiliated. Delegate and trust those who serve to make the right decisions, and make our city a destination for all to prosper and enjoy.

William Luneski (U)

The writer lives in Ansonia

Click here for the rules on letters to the editor.

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