Letter Writer Says Derby Administration Demeans People

Since my announcement to run for Mayor, I have tried hard to stay in my lane, focus on my own campaign and not comment on the current administration’s positions, mailings, behaviors, etc. However, after listening to the demeaning, condescending and sometimes belittling tone the Mayor and some of his staff used towards elected officials, mainly women elected officials during the last few meetings, I feel compelled to share my thoughts.

The Mayor continues to tout his progress platform” but in my opinion, progress means nothing if it is achieved through the degradation and mistreatment of others no matter how loudly a mean and rude leader claims success. A true leader understands that progress is not just about achieving goals but also about fostering a positive and respectful environment for all those they lead. There are few in this city who feel there is anything but a hostile, mean spirited environment being fostered by those in City Hall leading this administration and it was on full display for all to see and hear these past few meetings.

Having raised 4 daughters, having been married for 33 years and having been raised by a strong mother, I can promise you my respect for women is strong and genuine. I can give you many examples of just how strong and ingenious they are. Having served on the Board of Alders for 10 years, I can guarantee you I have always shown respect to everyone regardless of gender, religion, race, or political party. I believe the best way to success is through team building not through exclusion but inclusion. That’s how I’ll run City Hall and that’s how I’ll treat people if I am elected. 

Joe DiMartino

The writer is seeking to be nominated by the Derby Democratic Town Committee for mayor.


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