RECAP: Ansonia Budget Workshop

The Board of Apportionment and Taxation started discussing the proposed $58.6 million budget Monday night.

The tax board didn’t make any changes to the budget — yet.

But members did talk a lot about how much money to give the Board of Education.

Chairman Richard Sturges said he’d like to make sure the school budget got some sort of increase because last year it was flat funded.

But other members said they weren’t sure the taxpayers could afford the proposed increase, and said no departments were off limits from cuts.

Some of the ideas floated included:

  • Telling all department heads to cut 5 percent of their non-salaried budgets.
  • Coming up with a flat dollar figure and getting departments to cut percentages based on that.

There were no decisions made, and the tax board scheduled another meeting for 7 p.m. Wednesday to continue the discussion.

The public has a chance to weigh in on the budget proposal at a public hearing 7 p.m. on May 10.

Click play below to read the live chat conducted during the hearing. There are videos linked to within the chat room.

To read more articles about the proposal, click here.

The document below is the proposed budget the Board of Aldermen passed along to the tax board.
Ansonia Budget

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