Seymour police used drug-sniffing hounds to check out the high school for contraband Wednesday morning.
It was a routine check, according to school district officials.
Superintendent MaryAnne Mascolo sent the following e‑mail to the Valley Indy:
“During the Fall of 2009, the Seymour Board of Education in conjunction with the Seymour Police department worked together to develop a policy to use “sniffer” dogs as a proactive measure to deter students from bringing illegal drugs to the school. We are pleased to say this proactive stance has been successful to date.
Today a lockdown drill was conducted at Seymour High School by the Seymour Police and no illegal substances were found. However, a bag of ibuprofen and a prescription medication for nausea was found.
The Seymour Public Schools will continue to work with the Seymour Police department to ensure a drug-free and safe environment for our students.”