Some of our officials appear to be reactionaries rather than visionaries and often address people’s problems by ignoring them. Too often, the concerns of our residents are neglected because the administration is inexperienced.
I am a firm believer that our town deserves a dedicated leader who will make the necessary effort to overcome adversity and prevail when confronting challenges that are presented. Given the opportunity, I believe I can provide the dedication and effort required to serve all our citizens effectively.
We have many issues that demand an experienced leader to be the catalyst necessary to effect change. We must address our budgeting process professionally to help stabilize our tax structure. A Zero Based budgeting concept should be adopted by the new Board of Finance to eliminate the perpetual funding of expenses without proper justification.
I have supported a Capital Plan strategy for years that would accumulate sufficient funding to pay cash for Fire Trucks, Public Works Vehicles, and other replaceable equipment without unnecessary borrowing. Our five percent General Fund of approximately $2.3 million should be maintained at all costs and not be used as a temporary resource for funding unappropriated expenditures.
Taxes are a major concern for everyone in this deteriorating economy. Service levels should be maintained but could be prioritized and balanced with the ability of people to pay. This is no easy task and needs the professionalism and fiscal wisdom of those on the new Board of Finance. A continually updated 5-year fiscal plan is an absolute necessity!
Charter changes need to be proposed that will better define our legal structure and provide guidance for the efficient governance of our town.
An elected P&Z Commission and a clarification of the Budget Referendum process are just two issues that must be given consideration as soon as we can legally appoint another Commission.
We also need to better identify who will negotiate our union contracts other than just the First Selectman and Counsel. I have been the chairman of the BOE Liaison Commission that successfully negotiated a ZERO increase on five labor contracts.
I also have learned over 20 plus years of volunteering on the Boards of Selectmen, Education, Finance and the Civil Service Commission, that fairness and cooperation are necessary ingredients for the success of any disputed matter. Obviously, experience and leadership qualities help motivate parties to reach a compromised agreement.
Seymour can maintain a well respected status if all available voters participate in the election of a qualified leader on Nov. 8. As a Democrat, I will be running as a “petitioning candidate,” and believe voters will now have a real “choice” when they select the next First Selectman of our community.
Please take the opportunity to learn more about my candidacy by checking my web site.
Thank you for your consideration.
The writer is a petitioning candidate for Seymour First Selectman.
Editor’s note: The Valley Indy welcomes ‘guest columns’ from those running for local office. We take each submission on a case-by-case basis. We’ll print up to two a month per candidate. We ask that the columns offer positions and solutions, as opposed to simply criticizing an opponent. We insist on a 500-word limit. If a political opponent takes issue with a guest column, responses are encouraged in our comment section. We encourage candidates to register with Facebook with your first and last name to post a response here. We will not post your responses for you.