MADD: Klarides Is A Partner In The Fight Against Drunk Driving

Dear Editor,

For the past 30 years House Minority Leader Themis Klarides has supported the Mission of Mothers Against Drunk Driving, MADD CT, to eliminate drunk driving, help fight drugged driving, support victims of these violent crimes and prevent underage drinking.

Representative Klarides has sponsored the following life-saving legislation: Minimum Drinking Age Act, National Legal Limit .08 BAC, Administrative Per Se License Suspension, All Offender Ignition Interlock Device, CT DUI Child Endangerment and 2008 Graduated License – all of which became law under her leadership in the House. 

Representative Klarides has received the MADD National and Connecticut Public Policy Legislation Award on numerous occasions for her consistent and steadfast commitment to save lives in Connecticut. 


Johanna Krebs
Program Manager
317 Foxon Rd
East Haven, CT 06513

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