On Monday, December 2, I will take the oath of office to serve as the 29th Mayor of Ansonia. I am truly humbled by this honor and would like to thank the residents of Ansonia for placing their trust in me and my team.
We will not let you down.
The inauguration ceremony will mark the beginning of a fresh start for Ansonia. I would like all residents, regardless of political affiliation, to know that this event is for them. The ceremony is open to all and will be held at the Ansonia High School at 6 p.m. on December 2, 2013. A reception in the High School lobby will be held after ceremony.
Importantly, members of the Ansonia Board of Aldermen and Board of Education will also be sworn in on Monday night. The program will also include several guest speakers and entertainment provided by the Ansonia High School students. I have invited municipal and state officials from across Connecticut to celebrate the occasion with us.
I would also like to thank residents for the fantastic response I have received since opening my TeamAnsonia@gmail.com email account.
Residents interested in volunteering their time and talents to the city on a board or commission can still send an email to the account with their resume and interests.
It is my goal to build the strongest team possible to move Ansonia forward.
I look forward to seeing everyone at the ceremony.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.