Mayor Cassetti: Moderation, Civility Needed For Constructive Conversation

I would like to address the recent opinion column written by Patrick Henri on behalf of the American Legion, and the subsequent response by Ansonia NAACP President Greg Johnson. 

The columns submitted by these two community leaders reflect the national debate that was recently sparked by the Ferguson decision, the death of Eric Gardner and the murders of New York City Police Officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu. It is a complex issue that hits home especially in a racially diverse city such as Ansonia. 

The residents of Ansonia deserve a candid discussion on this topic and both writers expressed their viewpoints in a forthright manner. However, I am concerned with the tone of both pieces and worry that the potential for a constructive conversation is being lost.

I personally know both commentators and can state unequivocally that each has the best interests of Ansonia at heart. Patrick Henri is a veteran of the U.S. Navy who has spent the past year cultivating civic pride and involvement through his organization of our 125th anniversary celebration. Greg Johnson has long been a strong advocate for our African-American residents and is dedicated to seeing Ansonia develop as a unified community.

I am calling on our community leaders to come together to strengthen the relationship between law enforcement and the community. Ansonia strongly supports both. 

All controversial issues evoke strong opinions and emotions and while I would encourage an open dialogue on these issues, I want to stress moderation and civility. Everyone has a right to their opinion as long as those opinions are neither harmful nor insensitive.

We are blessed to live in a city small enough to look each other in the eye. Let’s make the most of it. I look forward to sitting at the table with our community leaders to discuss how we can use the unfortunate backdrop of national discord to find some understanding here in Ansonia.

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