Medals Awarded To Veterans During Ceremony In Seymour

photo: patricia villersLocal veterans were recognized Wednesday for their wartime service at a solemn ceremony at Seymour Middle School.

State Rep. Theresa W. Conroy, D‑Seymour, sponsored the event in conjunction with the Connecticut Department of Veterans’ Affairs.

She was joined by state Sen. Rob Kane, R‑Watertown, and Connecticut Veterans’ Affairs Commissioner Sean Connolly in presenting 36 service medals. 

Several medals were posthumously presented to the veterans’ families.

Members of American Legion Post 10 of Seymour presented the colors and Bruce Carlson, commander, American Legion Post 25 of Beacon Falls, hosted the program.

Conroy thanked the veterans and their families. 

I know there is always someone left behind,” she said, when a member of the military serves. You gave the ultimate sacrifice and left your homes.”

Kane said he had recently traveled to Washington, D.C. and visited veterans’ memorials there. 

You get chills when you go to those memorials,” he said.

Connolly, a lieutenant colonel in the Army Reserves, is a veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom and a Bronze Star recipient.

He said since becoming commissioner in March 2015 he has attended 20 similar ceremonies. 

Connolly said he was pleased to be able to honor the veterans and thank them for their service.

It’s an important time in history,” he said. Last year we celebrated the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II.”

In addition, this year marks the 50th anniversary of the beginning of Vietnam War, and the 25th anniversary of Operation Desert Storm.

Our traditions would not be possible without the military men and women to protect our freedom,” Connolly said. 

Conroy mentioned two family members who served in the military. An uncle, Edward T. Conroy, was killed in World War II, she said, and her niece, Kathleen Cass of Seymour, is a U.S. Air Force veteran.

Seymour Middle School Band, under the direction of Sarah Meek, performed a medley of patriotic music and the Rev. Russell Lesiw, retired pastor, Seymour Evangelical Baptist Church, offered an invocation.

Girl Scouts from five Troops participated in the event. They gave boxes of Girl Scout cookies to each of the veterans as they entered the auditorium. 

Barbara Fredericks, Tri-Town Service Unit manager, called the initiative Cookies for Heroes” to thank veterans for their service. 

She said the Scouts were from Troops 61237, 60242, 60112, 60135, and 60348, and hailed from Seymour, Ansonia, and Derby.

A list of the veterans are below, sent by Conroy’s office.

Jane Bariluk

John Beltz

Albert Blank

Edward Bunk

Henry Canty

Kathleen Cass

John Chaco

Robert Derrah

Terrance Deyo

James Farrell

Salvatore Festa

Melvin Flach

Kenneth Gabianelli

Thomas Gabianelli

Peter Garaolo

Dennis Garofalo

Joseph Gesek

Thomas Groves

Roger Janvrin

David Judson

Junior Lowe

Dennis Marchetti

Paul Messier

James Mihalovic

Ralph Minopoli

Andrew Moyer

Allen Nelson

Edward Pollack

William Powanda

George Rogucki

Kenneth Rovack

Mary Rozum

Warner Russell

Joseph Santiso

Dale Sargent

Harold Schaefer

Anthony Schultz

Robert Sipos

Walter Soderberg

Joseph Swinik

David Tagg Bienkowski

James Trianovich

Barry Turlish

Victor Verrastro

Thomas Wells

Stephen Wiesniak

Alan Wilson

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