More Than 1,000 People Attend ‘Summer Reading Rocks’ In Ansonia

Photo by Monica Fasciano

A student poses with a classic!

ANSONIAMore than 1,000 children, parents and community members attended the 2nd Annual Summer Reading Rocks Block Party on June 1 on the grounds of Christ Church across from the Ansonia Library on South Cliff Street. 

The free event was co-sponsored by Ansonia Public Schools and the Ansonia Library, with funding from two state grants awarded to the school district. 

Nearly 40 volunteers from the school district, library and the community manned the various booths throughout the day. An estimated 350 backpacks and water bottles were given out to Ansonia children, as well as three summer reading books for each of the children. 

A line-up of live entertainment, a picnic lunch, petting zoo, self-contained soft play obstacle course, and lawn games built by Mr. Nicefaro’s Ansonia High School students were features during the day for our youth.

There was a surprise visit by the Hartford Yard Goats mascot, a puppeteer, several visitors from Colonial America, a balloon artist and two face painters on hand. 

Photo by Monica Fasciano

Face painting!

A total of 14 organizations – including the Ansonia Police Department, the Valley chapter of Safe Kids, two Friends groups (of the Ansonia Library and of Education), the Ansonia Recreation Department, Valley Regional Adult Education, TEAM Inc., the Audubon Society, and the Boys & Girls Club, and several others – hosted tables, providing information about services they offer. 

Safe Kids provided more than 120 bicycle helmets free of charge, and several organizations offered free raffles or games with prizes. 

Reading Rocks also held two raffles during the day, with the prizes focusing on family activities and interests.

This was an incredible event,” said Assistant Superintendent Dr. Joseph DiBacco. I met many families, who spoke about how much they and their children were enjoying themselves. I am amazed at the crowds! This event is all about the importance of family, and I hope we will be able to continue to offer an event like this every year.”

The committee, comprised of staff from the school district and the library, thanked Christ Church and the First Congregational Church, for providing space for the event and for parking; the police department, public works department, and the school district’s facilities staff, for assisting with the planning and set up/clean-up of the one-day event; the local organizations and the many volunteers who manned the various booths or stations. 

Bridget Calabrese, the district’s English Language Arts Director, said, I am so thrilled that Ansonia Public Schools is able to co-host this event with the Ansonia Library for a second year.” 

Photo by Monica Fasciano

A family gears up for lots of summer reading!

Calabrese went on to say, It’s heart-warming to come together as a family and celebrate reading on this beautiful day!” The day was filled with laughter, smiles, food and at the center of it all was the importance of reading. We want to ensure that our students have access to books all year, but especially over the summer months. We encourage the importance of reading over the summer and visiting the Ansonia Library to participate in their programs. I am looking forward to planning this event next year, and my hope is our students rock out on reading’ all summer long!”

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