Naugatuck Mayor and Women’s Health Initiative to Receive Award


The Valley Women’s Health Initiative and Naugatuck Mayor Robert Mezzo will be honored with the Community Caring Heart Award at The 8th Annual Women and Heart Disease program Thursday, Feb. 7, at Grassy Hill Lodge in Derby.

The award recognizes individuals and groups that foster initiatives that promote and improve the general health and well-being of all. This is the fifth year that the award will be bestowed.

The 8th Annual Women and Heart Disease program will also feature a talk by Griffin Hospital’s Director of Pastoral Care and Education, The Rev. Jo Clare Wilson. Wilson will present A Heart with Soul is a Healthy Heart,” which explores the connections between spirituality and heart health.

The event is hosted by Griffin Hospital’s Women and Heart Disease Committee. Event registration and a silent auction will start at 5 p.m., followed promptly at 6 p.m. by dinner and the program.

Tickets are $35 and the event is open to the public. To make a reservation or for more information, call 203 – 732-1137. Proceeds benefit the Women and Heart Disease Fund. Reservations are due by Jan 31.

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